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Miele di Nettare di Cardo Fiasconaro, 350 gr - Sicilus Srl

Cardo Fiasconaro Cardo Net, 350 gr

Thistle Nectar Honey 350 g - Fiasconaro Discover the authentic sweetness of Sicily with Thistle Nectar Honey 350 g, produced by the renowned company Fiasconaro, located in the picturesque village...
Miele di Nettare di Sulla Fiasconaro, 350 gr - Sicilus Srl

Miele of nectar of Sul Fiasconaro, 350 gr

Sulla Nectar Honey from Fiasconaro - 350g Discover the authentic taste of Sicily with our Sulla di Fiasconaro Nectar Honey. This honey, produced in the heart of Castelbuono, is a...
miele di nettare di zagara di agrumi fiasconaro vasetto da 350 grammi

Honey of nectar of citrus zagara, fiasconaro 350 gr

Honey of nectar of citrus zagara - Fiasconaro Discover the authentic Sicilian sweetness with the Citrus Zagara honey Produced in Castelbuono by the acclaimed company Fiasconaro.Main features:Versatile and tasty: Perfect for...
Miele di Nettare di Millefiori Fiasconaro, vasetto da 350 grammi

Fiasconaro Millefiori nectar honey, 350 gr

Millefiori nectar honey 350 g of Fiasconaro The flavors of authentic Sicily are enclosed in Millefiori nectar honey Produced in Castelbuono from the well -known Sicilian company Fiasconaro. Variable color,...
nero sublime colomba fiasconaro scatola

Black Sublime Colomba Fiasconaro

Fiasconaro Sublime Black Colomba: a unique and delicious baked dessert   There Easter dove Black Sublime Fiasconaro is a unique and delicious baked dessert, winner of the 3 stars of...
Oro Nero colomba fiasconaro

Black Gold Colomba Fiasconaro with Coffee

Black gold Colomba Fiasconaro: a unique experience of Sicilian taste and tradition There Fiasconaro Black Gold Dove it is the result of the art and tradition of Sicilian pastry making. A...
Colomba Oro Verde Fiasconaro al Pistacchio

Fiasconaro Pistachio Colomba Green Gold

Fiasconaro Green Gold Colomba with Pistachio   There Fiasconaro Green Gold Colomba with Pistachio is an artisanal Sicilian Easter dessert, created with high quality ingredients and a long natural leavening...
panettone al caffè Fiasconaro oro nero, Sicilus

Fiasconaro coffee panettone - black gold

Fiasconaro black gold panettone: chocolate chips and coffee cream in an exclusive gift box The Coffee panettone Fiasconaro Gold 1 kg is a work of art of the Sicilian pastry...
Panettone artigianale Fiasconaro alle mandorle con incarto a mano

Fiasconaro artisan panettone with almonds 1 kg

Fiasconaro Almond Panettone - 1 kg Discover the Fiasconaro artisanal panettone at almonds 1 kg, a work of confectionery art that combines the tradition of panettone with the intense flavor of...
Panettone tradizionale fiasconaro con canditi d'arancio ed uvetta aromatizzata al marsala e zibibbo, 500 grammi, Sicilus

Fiasconaro Traditional Classic Panettone - 500g

 Traditional classic panettone fiasconaro - 500g Enjoy the Christmas confectionery tradition with the Fiasconaro traditional classic panettone, a 500g masterpiece with candied fruit Fresh orange And raisins flavored with marsala...

Sweet and Gabbana panettone at the Pistachio di Sicilia

From €41,00
Dolce and Gabbana Fiasconaro panettone to the pistachio of Sicily Discover the Dolce and Gabbana panettone to the pistachio of Sicily produced by the award -winning pastry shop Fiasconaro: a unique...
Panettone Fiasconaro Cioccolato e Fragoline Nero Sublime - 1 kg - Sicilus

Fiasconaro chocolate and strawberry panettone - Sublime black

Fiasconaro chocolate and strawberry panettone Sublime black An explosion of Sicilian taste The Fiasconaro chocolate panettone And "Black Sublime" Fragoline is an experience of award -winning and authentic Sicilian taste,...