Tax Aspects for Corporate Christmas Baskets

Aspetti fiscali per i Cesti Natalizi Aziendali - Sicilus Srl

Corporate Christmas Baskets:

tax aspects

If you are looking for the ideal solution for your corporate Christmas baskets, you are in the right place. Sicilus offers you a wide range of typical Sicilian products, perfect for any occasion. But before you proceed with your order, let's devote a brief overview of Italian taxation regarding corporate Christmas baskets.

Table of Contents

  • Italian regulatory context regarding corporate Christmas baskets
  • Amount limit for deductibility and regulatory references
  • Taxation for employees under Italian law
  • Taxation for collaborators, suppliers and customers
  • Why choose Sicilus' corporate Christmas baskets?

1. Italian regulatory context to corporate Christmas baskets

In Italy, tax regulations provide specific regulations when it comes to corporate Christmas hampers. Being aware of these regulations is essential to ensure proper fiscal management.

2. Deductibility amount limit and regulatory references

According to Article 108, paragraph 2, of the T.U.I.R., expenses incurred for corporate Christmas baskets are deductible if they do not exceed the value of €50 (excluding VAT) for each beneficiary in the calendar year. Beyond this amount, the expense will not be considered deductible.


Corporate Deductibility and Rates Table.
Value of the corporate Christmas hamper Deductibility VAT Business Revenues Deductible rate
Less than or equal to €50.00 (taxable income) The cost will be fully deductible 100% VAT deductibility Less than € 10 million 1,50%
Greater than € 50.00 (taxable income) - VAT is fully included in the deductible cost Greater than € 10 million and less than or equal to € 50 million 0,60%
Greater than € 50.00 (taxable income) - VAT is fully included in the deductible cost Greater than € 50 million 0,40%

3. Taxation for employees according to Italian law

As far as employees are concerned, corporate Christmas baskets could be considered as employee income, subject to taxation. However, Article 51 of the T.U.I.R. states that if the value of the gift does not exceed €258.23 in the year, it is not subject to taxation. This is why it is essential to choose carefully, preferring, for example, Sicilus' corporate Christmas baskets.

4. Taxation for employees, suppliers and customers

For collaborators, suppliers and customers, the situation is slightly different. Although they do not fall into the category of employee income, maintaining the €50 limit (excluding VAT) is recommended to ensure the deductibility of the expense.

bonfissuto Christmas panettone

5. Why choose Sicilus corporate Christmas baskets?

In addition to ensuring compliance with Italian tax regulations, opting for Sicilus corporate Christmas hampers gives you the freedom to customize every detail according to your budget and preferences. Sicilus' offerings range from a wide variety of products, from handcrafted panettone to local wines and spirits, and traditional Sicilian sweets. If you are not sure which one to choose or want a particular combination, our customer service team is at your complete disposal to guide you in making the best choice, ensuring that each corporate Christmas basket best reflects your expectations and those of the recipients.

You can then make your own customized corporate Christmas baskets:

  • completely on your own, using our online creation service of your gift box
  • through our Customer Service Department: on WhatsApp (+39 320 3554877), email or by calling + 39 0933463562


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